Thursday, February 25, 2010

Journal Reflection #1

To be completely honest, when I first learned we would be volunteering at a school-I wasn't exactly thrilled. As a high schooler, I used to volunteer on a church bus route. I would knock on doors and bring kids on the bus headed for Sunday School. I would sometimes lead songs on the bus. I'm not sure if it's because I'm petite, but so many times kids would pick on me. They would push me and make fun of me. So I now have this fear of being groups of middle school and high school age children. After attending orientation, I feel relieved. The group as a whole at Escuela Vieau seems so welcoming and friendly. We met a young boy in the gym that was probably about 13 years old or so and he seemed very nice and he was helping watch the younger kids.
Our main contact for the school will be Yesenia Montenegro. She seems like such an easy person to talk to. I think she will make it easier for us to understand what we need to accomplish while we are the school. Maria Espinosa was also very welcoming. I thought is was a very nice guesture for them to order pizza for us, it was very unexpected and pleasant.
Today I head over to Norris Health Center to get my TB test slip so tomorrow I am ready to start my new experiences at Escuela Vieau School.

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