Thursday, April 29, 2010

Journal Reflection #3

Since my last post I have had some very good experiences at Escuela Vieau. I volunteer on Fridays, so I'm lucky-I get the fun day. A couple Fridays ago, I got to help referee flag football. I am a huge football fan; I love everything that has anything to do with football. Anyways, the kids were great! Both teams tried very hard but I didn't notice anyone being a poor sport or mean; they were all just having a good time. Some of the other kids were coloring with chalk, playing baseball, playing with a huge flag or playing on the jungle gym. I'm not sure what the game is called with the big flag but it's huge and you have to all stand around holding the edge and a ball is in the middle that you have to try to keep on top. I remember playing it when I was a kid.

Last Friday, I was helping to referree indoor soccer. This was a little crazier than the football. It was also really tough for the kids though, it was way too small to try to play soccer inside the gym. One good kick and the ball is out of bounds. I can not tell you how many times the ball went out of bounds. Still, the kids had fun playing and were real into it. The first team to five would win. The score was three to zero and one point but the other team came back to tie it up at three to three. The score then was four to four and unfortuneately the game had to end in a tie.

Escuela Vieau

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Artist's Statement

While putting together my essay and looking at the pictures I took, the main thing I have learned is to expect the unexpected. I have to admit, I had some preconceived notions about how my experience at Escuela Vieau would be and I was wrong. I thought that maybe some children and staff would not be welcoming because I was not like them.

I grew up in a household where I was only allowed to associate with a certain group of people. I was taught that "the outside world" was a bad place and was filled with wicked people. As I got older I realized that the majority of the people who lived thinking this way lived by looking at other people just to find their faults and therefore have reasons why they thought they were better than them. When I came to this realization and started looking for the good in people and appreciating people for their differences and seeing people as equal to me, I just felt like I had truly discovered happiness. I am not perfect and still make assumptions and judge sometimes, but I try to train myself to see the good in people. My experience at Escuela Vieau has inspired me to keep living in this new light. It has proved to me that once again my assumptions were incorrect. While putting together my essay, I strove to show how Escuela Vieau operates with an open heart and an open mind and I strove to show how we should live that way as well.

Using the camera was little bit tricky. The first picture I took of Brian working on his homework, I didn't use and I decided to retake the picture. In the first picture, the angle was high and it was like you were looking down on him. The one I used was more eye level and I felt that you didn't get the the feeling you were better than him with the second photo. I also didn't choose to incorporate some of the images I took because of the background or the lighting.

Overall, I have enjoyed my experience so far with Escuela Vieau and I hope that it showed in the essay presentation that I put together.